Painting with Acrylics

One of my main mediums is painting with acrylics. I use acrylics for a variety of reasons. For one, acrylics dry quickly. This allows me to work quickly and efficiently. This can be especially useful when I work on large projects. It also comes in handy when I am working on a tight deadline, such as preparing works for art shows. Not to mention, when my work gets sold at the Red Wolf Gallery, I might need to quickly replace pieces for sale. Here are some examples of work I have done by painting with acrylics (Click on the work for more examples):

Animal Originals for Sale
Landscape Originals for Sale
Abstract and Other
Originals for Sale

Versatility of Painting with Acrylics 

I use acrylics on a variety of surfaces, including canvas, paper, wood, and metal. I often mix acrylics with other media, such as gesso, inks, and watercolors. This gives me a wide range of looks and feelings. Thus when I want to change the look or feel of a work, I can add other media to achieve an effect that may not be possible with acrylics alone.

Other Considerations

Acrylics are water-based, which makes them easy to clean up and non-toxic. This makes them a good choice for artists who are sensitive to solvents or who work in small spaces. Many of us regard harsh solvents as a no go. I try to make my studio as solvent free as possible. Because acrylics are easier to clean with just water I can breathe better and I know it is better for the environment. I am lucky in that I have a large spacious studio. Although, I am starting to run out of room with so many works – you can help by buying one or two! But if you have a smaller studio, the use of solvents may be something you try to avoid.

Also, keep in mind that acrylics are relatively affordable compared to other types of paint. This makes them a good option for students, hobbyists, and professional artists alike. Because acrylics are durable and resistant to fading and yellowing, they are a good choice for paintings that are intended to be displayed for long periods of time.

Famous Artists that use Acrylics

Acrylics are not just for beginners or the environmentally conscious. Some very famous artists use acrylics too! Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Robert Motherwell, Kenneth Noland, Bridget Riley, Helen Frankenthaler, Timothy Mulligan, Roy Lichtenstein, and Mark Rothko, all have works of art featuring acrylics. I would be very happy to be on that list!

Let’s Talk

If you are interested in purchasing or discussing one of my works please click here for our contact page.