Pen And Ink Sketches

Why I love Pen and Ink Sketches

A favorite pastime of mine is rendering pen and ink sketches . I like to sketch for several reasons. I sketch to capture a moment. Pen and ink sketches can be a quick way to capture a scene or an idea before it fades from memory. It is very satisfying to quickly capture a scene in a real time manner.

Sketching in Pen and Ink (click here to see additional sketches):

Pen and Ink Sketches to Explore New Ideas

Also, sketching in pen and ink can be a way to explore different ideas and compositions before committing to a finished work of art. While this is not a primary concern of mine, I do know many artists that like to try new ideas before committing the time and resources necessary to complete a traditional work of art. One thing that is a constant, is the need to continually learn new techniques and approaches to the work of an artist. Again, sketching is a quick way to explore new avenues of expression before committing to the long process of painting.

Relaxing Through Sketching

Finally, sketching in pen and ink gives me a chance to relax, meditate and explore the world around me. I find it quite refreshing to spend an evening listening and watching live music while I sketch the musicians. You will see that many of my sketches are of the famous musicians that live and play in our wonderful town of Brevard, North Carolina.

And sketching, like any other endeavor, requires constant practice. Some days I will do several sketches before I find the one that truly moves me. For me, capturing the right moment at the right time requires not only the ability to draw properly, but to know when the moment is ripe for capture. Watching a musician with his instrument, a couple playing with their dog or just ordinary people going about their day to day business and then finding the right way to conway the moment takes time and practice. It is something that I love to do and this helps motivate me to find the best possible scenario.

So What Exactly is Sketching?

A sketch or a pen and ink drawing is generally made using a pen and a heavier stock pf paper. The pen can be a traditional dip pen, a fountain pen, or a modern technical pen. Most artists choose the pen that suits their needs. Some traditionalists may prefer a dip or fountain pen. 

The Pens I Use

I use several brands of modern acrylic pens. The consideration I make is the tip of the pen. There are acrylic pens with a tip like a small brush that makes a bold line. Thus a bold appearance with fewer strokes. Some have a very fine tip. These pens are useful when I make many small strokes as I sketch. The sketch may be “busy” but incorporates many details. My favorite tip is a medium size. Just like Goldilocks, I prefer them to be not too small or not too bold, but just right. Different effects reguire differnet thicknesses.

The ink can be water-based or alcohol-based. They also may be water soluble or permanent. I use acrylic paints that are permanent in my creations. Water soluble pens can be used to bleed with water creating different effects when color is added.

What is the Best Paper to Use?

While most sketches or pen and ink drawings are often made on heavy stock paper, they can also be made on other surfaces, such as vellum or canvas. The challenge is that on a surface such as canvas, the rough surface creates different movement with the pen. I found that it is also less forgiving. The pen creates such a strong line that it is difficult to cover on a canvas if we want to re-use the surface. Working on paper presents a smooth surface where the pen flows easily over the paper. The cost of the material, even with heavy multi-media paper, is minimal if I decide to discard the sketch and create anew.

Detailed or Realistic?

Pen and ink drawings can be very detailed and realistic, or they can be more abstract and expressive. Many illustrations are pen and ink drawings. However, pen and ink sketches are fine art. I use them to capture a moment. While I am out in public, I carry my sketch pad and watch people around me. Their body position and gesture shares their interaction in a moment of time. These gesture drawings are not designed to be realistic and detailed but are done to show an activity or mood. I like to capture musicians as they grace the stage. I love to watch dancers, people interacting in public, people involved in their phones or with animals. 

Musicians at Work:

Adding Color to Enhance

Recently, I have added color to enhance the images and emphasize the part of the sketch that is important to me. There are many water-media options to augment the design. Many people might use oil pastels or watercolor paints. These offer options to create transparent color that will not overpower the sketch. Afterwards, it is necessary to use a fixative or other sealer so that the color does not fade over time. I prefer to use acrylic paints which do not require the final layer. There are transparent acrylic colors and they can be thinned to work the same way as watercolors.

Simple black and white sketches are sophisticated and chosen by discerning art collectors. Color enhances the entire design to draw the viewer into the image. Using color to amplify the design directs the eye to the moment in time. I might show a couple holding hands, a man touching a woman’s back as they walk down the street, or a person stooping to pet a dog. These moments hold memories and memories hold us to our past and present. More than simply using color, it is necessary to know where to use color.


Ultimately, there are many reasons why I sketch. It is a versatile and expressive medium that can be used for a variety of purposes. I find it satisfying and enjoy the process. Click here to find many examples of my work in pen and ink sketching. I hope you will love them as much as I do and if you are interested in purchasing one or two please feel free to reach out to me. I also do commissioned work, so please let me know if that is something that interests you. Finally, if you are interested in learning the basics of Sketching please click here or contact me for a schedule of my classes.

Let’s Talk

If you are interested in purchasing or discussing one of my works please click here for our contact page.